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Musikerin aus Leidenschaft

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  • Name:Monika Kuhn
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My Songs

Sie spaziert in ihrer Schönheit

Gedicht von Lord Byron

Lyrics Part 1:

She walks in beauty like the night,
Stars above all shining bright.
In her eyes a tender light,
Dark and bright they unite.

Lyrics Part 2:

In her aspect all things meet,
Heaven's glow makes it sweet.
Never gaudy never loud,
Soft like whispers in the crowd.

Auf dem Weg in der Nacht

Lyrics Part 1:

In a stillness of a night
A single star begins to shine.
Melancholic glowing point
On a sky soft and pale.
A cascade of emotions
Bound within this place.

Lyrics Part 2:

With its gentle touch
He's making me unmasked.
We stand together,
Telling stories, as memories unfold.

With each twinkling puls
He's calling the distant past.
We're painting memories
On the wide, canvas of time.

Lyrics Part 3:

Traces of life consolidate,
In the soul,
Like echos in the darkness.
The star takes it all,
A memory so strong,
Speaks of wisdom so deep,
through the complexity,
it gently disappears.

Lyrics Part 1:

Sitting by the waterfall,
Watching water flow,
Listen to the peaceful sound
As it ebbs and flows.

Water cascades down,
Never-ending stream,
As it hits each rock below
Creates a stunning scene.

Lyrics Refrain:

Waterfall oh waterfall,
Natures beauty in its raw.

Waterfall oh waterfall,
Symbol of serenity.
Lyrics Part 2:

Sunlight glitters on the face,
Illuminates the falls,
See the colors in the drops
As natures magic calls.

As I leave this sacred site,
I take its beauty with me,
For in this moment of delight
I've found my destiny.

Lyrics Part 3:

With each droplet that falls
I feel the stress fade away.
The waterfalls enchanting call
Brings me peace every day.

Lyrics & Song melody by Robert Schumann

Lyrics part 1:
Barfuss laufen
wohin der Weg mich führt
nackt baden im Fluss
trocknen im Sonnenlicht
aufrecht stehn
ich bin gross
Lyrics part 2:
Sauge das Licht auf
und lasse meines leuchten
im Fluss
bis ans Meer
in die Unendlichkeit

Lyrics by Katja Gräfenhain

Lyrics Part 1:

The snow is falling
whitening the earth.
The day will be shorter
darkness everywhere.
Candles are illuminated
light up the hearts, light up the hearts.

Then sitting at the fireplace
listen, and listen

Lyrics Part 2:

The sun is shining
glistening in the snow.
The wind is so icy
makes the body cold.
Home is so warmly decorated
feel coziness, feel coziness.

Lyrics Part 3:

Come take your sleigh
have a nice day.
Walk through the shining lights
have a mystic night.
Feel the spirit
of the wintertime.

Sitting at the fireplace
singing, and singing

Lyrics Part 1:

Ich, ich bin allein, aber nicht einsam.
Ich, ich habe alles, aber Durst nach mehr.
Ich ertrage viel, aber nicht genug.
Ich bin da und doch nicht ganz komplett.

Ich, ich bin naiv, aber nicht ahnungslos.
Ich, ich habe Angst, aber Lust nach mehr.
Ich trage schwer, aber spür kein Gewicht.
Ich bin da und doch ganz anderswo.

Lyrics Refrain:

Alles was ich bin, das steht vor dir.
Immer ehrlich, unentbehrlich,
jetzt und hier.

Lyrics Part 2:

Ich, ich bin klein, aber nicht harmlos.
Ich, ich habe Glück, aber merk es nicht.
Ich wage viel, aber riskiere nichts.
Ich bin da und doch bald wieder weg.

Lyrics Part 1:

Ich fliege durch die Luft,
Schau durch Berg und Tal.
Ich rieche all den Duft
Und dies tausendmal.

Lyrics Refrain:

So wunderbar,
So unberechenbar,
Sie kann grau sein
Und so grausam sein.

So unfassbar,
So einzigartig,
Sie kann hell sein
Und in ihren Farben blühn.

Lyrics Part 2:

Plötzlich kommt der Regen,
Blitz und Donner naht.
Der Wind ist ganz verwegen,
Dann wird's wieder Tag.

Am Strand

Lyrics part 1:
Tempora mutantur, et nos mutamur in illis.
(Die Zeiten ändern sich und wir ändern uns in ihnen.)

Lyrics part 2:
Et amor remanet omnia.
(Und die Liebe überwindet alles.)

Lyrics Part 1:

Du machst die Augen auf,
ein neuer Tag beginnt.
Was er wohl bringen mag,
bist du ihm wohlgesinnt.

Gedanken drehen sich,
gibts wieder Stress und Qual.
Vielleicht ein guter Tag,
du hast stets die Wahl.

Lyrics Refrain:

Nimm das Leben in deine Hände,
mach was dir gefällt.
Überleg nicht allzu lange,
denn zu Füssen liegt dir die Welt.

Form das Leben mit deinen Händen,
nur das Eine ist dir gegönnt.
Und am Ende wenn du zurückschaust,
nichts ist da, was man bereuen könnt.

Lyrics Part 2:

Spür den Wunsch in dir,
mal wieder frei zu sein.
Denn das Glück, das wohnt
nur in dir allein.

Schnall die Schuhe an,
lass den Rucksack nicht leer.
Denn die Sonne scheint,
was will man mehr?

Lyrics Part 3:

Die Wolken ziehen auf,
sag, was soll's.
Tanz im Regen, tanz im Regen.
Tanz - Tanz - Tanz

Kammermusik, G. F. Händel


Lyrics Part 1:

Sitting in my room,
Looking out of the window.
Sun, rain and clouds,
The weather with all its facets.

Dusk is calling me,
Vapour trails glowing in the sunset.
Excited I am waiting,
Then time has suddenly come.

Lyrics Refrain:

I can hear the brown owl singing,
Singing at night.
Come take my hand and fly,
Fly with me, through my life,
through my life,
my life

Lyrics Part 2:

Clouds passing by,
Steered by the invisible pilot.
Only an unwise fool,
Would leave such a cozy place.

Trees near my home,
I can only see the silhouettes.
She’s singing over there,
Not knowing about my presence.


Lyrics part 1:
And I just wonder what's going on.

Lyrics part 2:
I see my life is floating through space.

Lyrics space and sun:

Silence, deep silence
Darkness, emptiness

Suddenly, it's getting hotter.
There's a giant nuclear power source
And some objects turn around,
Turn around, and round and round.

Lyrics the eight:

The first has craters,
lots of craters, but it's small.

Then the next is bright,
the bright Queen of the sky,
of the sky with pancake Domes.

The cries of whales call us forward
to the Blue with the sea of lights.

With large dust storms the red one is waiting,
you may see the highest mountain.

And now, look that gas giant, so full of energy
with his great red spot

Followed by the Lord, the Lord of the rings
surrounded by, surrounded by a lot of moons.

Rolling, rolling like a wheel
is the King, the King of the sky.

Pay attention to the last and his atmosphere,
made of storms with supersonic flows.


Lyrics part 1:

Wake up, nature, break-up oh nature
Look out, can you see the green
can you see the Cricket
Sitting on the ground, singing for his fortune
Hoping being heard
Hoping being heard

Lyrics part 2:

Listen, what a cheerful sound
What a wishful melody
Floating through the land
Now it’s being heard
Slightly heard by her
Moving gently closer
Seeing crystal-clear
Seeing crystal-clear
The future, the future
future, seeing clear the future
She will follow Him
She will follow Him

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